Must Watch Explore The Past: A Journey Through Time And Heritage In Sjene Prošlosti 2025

Must Watch Explore The Past: A Journey Through Time And Heritage In Sjene Prošlosti 2025. Šokantni obrati u novoj epizodi 'sjena prošlosti' promijenit će sve. Šimun prekida svoj odnos s olgom, a blanka se i dalje planira boriti za matu!

Sjene prošlosti · Season 1 Episode 74 · Episode 74 Plex
Sjene prošlosti · Season 1 Episode 74 · Episode 74 Plex from

Dramska serija sjene prošlosti donosi snažnu priču o životima četiriju žena: As the present mixes with the past, ana uncovers suspicious clues that lead to one of her friends and exposes her as mato's mistress, leading to a dramatic confrontation. Directed by kristijan milic, ivan pavlicic, rahela jagric pirc, goran rukavina, stanislav tomic.

Nakon Što Je Otkrila Njezin Tajni Odnos Sa Šimunom, Paula Drži Olgu U Šaci I Poziva Je Na.

Olga govori rastrojenoj pauli da zna za njezino lažno svjedočenje na sudu. Two decades after a harmful rumor tears them apart, four childhood friends reunite, unearthing buried secrets and rekindling old feuds. Marte (jelena perčin), paule (dajana čuljak), ane (ana maras harmander), olge (marina fernandez) i.

As Past Wounds Resurface, Their Tangled Lives Spiral.

As the present mixes with the past, ana uncovers suspicious clues that lead to one of her friends and exposes her as mato's mistress, leading to a dramatic confrontation. With lily antic, tena nemet brankov, dajana culjak, andrej dojkic. Marta neočekivano posjeti olgu, anu i paulu te ih pokušava nagovoriti da.

Osveta Se, Kažu, Servira Hladna, A Moćna I.

Zvijezda hit serije pokazala svoju mlađu. Four childhood friends drift apart after spreading a vicious rumor. Odlaze ga pronaći te na putu sretnu olgu s kojom se verbalno sukobe.

Directed By Kristijan Milic, Ivan Pavlicic, Rahela Jagric Pirc, Goran Rukavina, Stanislav Tomic.

As the present mixes with the past, ana uncovers suspicious clues that lead to one of her friends and exposes her as mato's mistress, leading to a dramatic confrontation. 20 years later, their lives intertwine again, reigniting old rivalries and setting off a chain of unexpected, vengeful events. Martu i paulu muči savjest zbog gorana.

Dramska Serija Sjene Prošlosti Donosi Snažnu Priču O Životima Četiriju Žena:

Šimun prekida svoj odnos s olgom, a blanka se i dalje planira boriti za matu! Mato doznaje da je zoran anin „dečko“ te burno reagira na novost i odluči se sukobiti s njime. Šokantni obrati u novoj epizodi 'sjena prošlosti' promijenit će sve.